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Middle Schoolers Explore Science Through Hands-On Projects

This spring, Middle School students had the opportunity to explore many of the sciences — chemistry, biology, physics, engineering, environmental, earth, life sciences, and more — through hands-on projects. 

The Joy of Discovery is Palpable
“Middle School science is an exciting place to be on any given day,” said Susan Bralower, St. Luke’s Middle School Science Department Chair. “The joy of discovery is palpable. The curriculum is designed to get students out of their seats and engage with concepts firsthand, rather than simply read about them in a book.”

Fifth Grade: Physics Learning Through Cut the Rope
Fifth grade students participated in the Cut the Rope project. “In this signature project, students apply their understanding of Newton's Laws of Motion by creating their own level of Cut the Rope — a physics-based video game puzzle  — using various items, such as a cardboard box, duct tape, and plastic cups,” explained Fifth Grade Science Teacher Jessie Samuel. 

Sixth Grade: Earth Science Investigated
Sixth grade students investigated the world of Earth science by studying the mechanical and physical layers of Earth and exploring how shifts in tectonic plates can cause earthquakes and volcanoes. Working in groups, the students constructed volcanos and used their knowledge of chemistry to devise the perfect formula for eruption.

Seventh Grade: Life Science in Your Hands
In seventh grade life sciences, students learned about the human body and investigated the similarities and differences among humans and other organisms by dissecting a fish. Seventh Grade Science Teacher Rachel Lang shared that she “planned the dissection project for students to identify internal organs and compare what they saw in the fish to the systems we studied in class.” A computer simulation was available for students who preferred not to dissect real fish. 

Eighth Grade: A Bridge to Understand Engineering
St. Luke’s eighth graders tackled physics and engineering concepts. Using the design-thinking process, students designed and built truss bridges made out of Balsa wood and glue to test tension, compression, and structure and investigate the role force plays in the design and strength of a bridge.

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St. Luke’s School is a secular (non-religious), private school in New Canaan, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 40 towns in Connecticut and New York. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. Luke’s Leading with Humanity curriculum builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.