College costs continue to rise. Regardless of your family's financial situation, seeking financial aid is a good idea as it comes in many forms—scholarships, grants, work-study employment and student loans. Our College Counseling team is here to guide you through the process and has an excellent track record for helping seniors find ways to pay their college education. A few misconceptions about financial aid:
- No matter how high your family's income is, you may still be eligible for need-based aid. Every student should fill out the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Colleges AND schools use the FAFSA to decide how much to give or loan to a college-bound senior.
- Eligibility is NOT based solely on income. The government and schools take many other things into consideration including number of children in college and total cost of college per family.
- When you apply matters—there are more funds to give away at the start of the financial aid application period.
- Financial aid packages may be negotiable. Colleges want students with success potential. High-performing students can often appeal for a greater amount.
Visit our
Resources page for more info and useful tools for finding financial aid.