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Students Attend CAIS Student Diversity Leadership Conference

On April 7, seven St. Luke’s students, Daphne Antonioli, Cassidy Cui, Lina Elwood, Isabela Orsatti, Nailah Profit, Leela Sharma, and Bhhavya Somaya, along with Head of Upper School Dr. Billy Bludgus and Librarian and Equity and Inclusion Coordinator Jean Myles, participated in the Connecticut Association of Independent Schools Student Diversity Leadership Conference held at Hopkins. 

At the conference, everyone attended an opening session featuring student speakers and CAIS Commission on Diversity in Independent Schools members who amplified the theme of this year’s event: “Reigniting Your Fire for Justice!” Students then broke into grade-level groups with students from other CT independent schools to discuss different topics while the adults attended a session for educators. Below is a summary of what our participating students reported back:

The ninth grade session unpacked the concepts of “stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination.” Working in small groups was a nice way to get to know everyone. One student shared, "It was nice to meet kids from all other Connecticut schools. We play them in sports and see them sometimes. I left the conference I was still wrapping my head around all the issues talked about, but as the week went on, I found myself thinking about it more and more and realized that education on injustice is the most relevant thing we can do here at SLS. At SDLC, there was a lot of discussion about “joking,” and my biggest takeaway was what I could do as a bystander and how it was my job to report that.” 

The 10th grade session was titled “Who am I? Who are You? Who are We?” Our student representative from this group appreciated the opportunity to meet and speak with new people openly. “Being the only sophomore from SLS in a room full of many new faces urged me to introduce myself and have deeper conversations with people, several of whom I left the experience as friends with,” the student representative shared. They talked about how issues that may seem visible at only one school are also prevalent at many other schools. From the student's perspective, “it was truly eye-opening to see that there were a lot more students who have faced and still face more discrimination than I had initially believed.”

In the 11th grade group, students focused on socialization and how we learn. New ideas were exchanged, and our student representative returned inspired to connect St. Luke’s Upper School Asian Affinity Group with other schools’ affinity groups. “I experienced the liberating effects of vulnerability - you have to ask questions about what is safe,” the student said. “Representation can sometimes feel like exploitation. Protecting your peace requires putting up barriers. It’s important to recognize the importance of celebrating your differences.”

As for the senior session, “Moving from Allyship to Co-conspirators,” students learned about the distinction between allies and co-conspirators. “Allies stand behind you, not beside you, while a co-conspirator understands and uses their privilege to fight with you,” said one student who attended.

Additionally, the seniors explored the concept of intersectionality and were asked to think critically about how school leaders show up in these ways. They discussed whether it was better to keep the peace or stand up. They used scenarios to discuss strategies like comforting impacted kids and recognizing one's power and privileges. 

The teacher and staff session was about reflecting and “freedom dreaming.” Dr. Bludgus said, “SDLC was a great opportunity to not only be with our incredible St. Luke's group who attended, but also with hundreds of students and adults from other schools throughout Connecticut — all working to bring our most authentic selves to our schools every day and to move inclusion, equity, and belonging forward on our respective campuses. It's critical work and a powerful experience to be among those deeply invested in it."  

In many ways, the mission of this student leadership conference helps to advance St. Luke's strategic priorities and Vision for Inclusive Excellence by bringing together students from grades 7-12 and adults from independent schools across the state to build cross-cultural understanding and amplify a call to action to improve our schools and help young people find their voice to make a difference and lead with humanity.
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St. Luke’s School is a secular (non-religious), private school in New Canaan, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut and New York. Our exceptional academics and diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual and ethical development and prepare them for top colleges. St. Luke’s Leading with Humanity curriculum builds the commitment to serve and the confidence to lead.